Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Graphic Arts
School = Death ----- Which is cancelled by: Holidays + Sleep
This Term = Death ------ Which is cancelled by: Holidays + Sleep
Homework = Death ------ Which is cancelled by: Not Doing It Until The Last Minute
Tomorrow = Fun ------ Which is cancelled by: The Day After
Saturday, November 22, 2008
This sounds a little like:
BROADBAND IN MY HOUSE! BROADBAND IN MY HOUSE! I just thought you out to know *faints*
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
See, this isn't dead, and I'm not dead...I just tricked everyone into thinking that it was dead.
Gah, science, DIE, Gah, PM, die, Gah, Eureka, DIEEEEE!!!!
....Neway, I think that I should go now coz my teacher is going to sees me.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Last night I went for a walk down the beach and four dolphins just randomly appeared out in the ocean. When I got to the other side of the jetty I waited for a moment and a dolphin came straight into the water in front of me and was less than a metre away (I literally could have touched it) Everytime I stepped into the water a stingray would appear right under my foot (and that happened 7 times) I think that they like me ^_^
I might go out in a kayak later but the water is looking both choppy and I don't know.
There is still only one computer working and so this place gets the badge of epic fail *hands computer badge of epic fail*
Saturday, July 12, 2008
The Worst Internet in Australia, Red-Eyed Pigeons and Camels
I am in....what is this place?....Monkey Mia now and the weather is nice (I'm right next to the beach-I can see it through the door thats next to me-and the sun is very, very bright) and I've been travelling up the coast for 6 days now (without internet might I add) The computer that I'm typing on at the moment is a pie terminal (no it is not made of pie) and the keyboard is tiny (smaller than a laptops) and the keys are so old that the letters have actually worn off so I would be stuffed if I didn't already know where all of the keys are! I am also proud to say that I have now found a computer with internet that is both slower (way, way slower) and more expensive than my home computer :P
My sister took a ride down the beach on a camel before, I ran and hid behind the jetty because camels are my arch-nemisis. My parents tried to get me on one but they failed, miserably.
Yesterday at the roadhouse that we stopped at to get fuel I saw a large flock of red-eyed pigeons and I immediately thought 'oh no, the Volturi are after me!' Luckily they weren't and I wasn't savaged by vampire pigeons.
The caravan has survived it's trip up-amazingly-but I'm not sure if it will survive on the way back down! My sister gets really annoying when she's bored-although I do too-and she was throwing food at me today-which I promptly threw back. In an attempt to stave off the boredom I have also now read the host a grand total of 4 times-yes, it is a good book-and now I'm hoping that there will be a sequil.
I have hust realised that the browser type that I am using is Mozilla Firefox and I actually like good old Microsoft's Internet Explorer better. I think it's just more practical and you can do just about anything that you want with it-unlike this thing which I cant seem to figure out/use tabs/open another window/refresh the page/make the window smaller/adjust the size of the window at all!
I hope to see some dolphins tomorrow otherwise this holiday will have been my worst one in history. Maybe I'll get to see a dugong too, that would make my day!
...On another note, I HAVEN'T DONE ANY HOMEWORK AT ALL YET/SCIENCE STUDY/MATHS STUDY/ENGLISH/ANYTHING!!!! I am so dead. And someone behind me just ran across the room, tripped on a patch of water and slammed their head into the metal kitchen table, where's the doctor?...
I better go do everything else that I have to do before my internet time runs and out and maybe come back to this later/tomorrow.
-Jess the dead-
P.S There is a large sailing ship on the horizon at the moment and it reminds me distinctly of the Black Pearl, ahoy there!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Jane Austen

And viewed from the back, as you can see it has a lot of books in it!...Oh, oops, don't look at the bottom left corner...I've been messing around on photoshop again ^^
This is to show(off) the gold edged pages and pretty cover.
And this is another plus, THERE ARE PICTURES!!!! And yes, it is quite obvious now what that other book is that is lurking on the edge of the picture-
Keeheehee. I got it yesterday and I have only read 63 pages (it's 617 pages long) and when I went to the till (at Angus and Robertson) the first question that the lady asked me was not '$32.99 please' it was 'I bet you're looking forward to the release of the fourth book' response was automatic of course but I looked up when I walked out of the bookshop (after blushing bright red of course) and I noticed that they had a huge poster up for both Breaking Dawn and The Host. While I was at the counter the lady commented to both me and her co-worker that The Host was selling out. I can't seem to go anywhere without overhearing a conversation about Twilight.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Another Sa-turd-ay
So, what have I been doing this week? Homework, school work, sose excursion, etc, etc. And what else? Well, I have contracted a mutant relative of the flu (I cant have the actual flu as I had the flu vaccine a few weeks ago) so I feel like #%&^ right now. I've been writing a lot and I updated my fic yesterday, the stats are (atm):
6 chapters, 61 reviews (1 review since I put it up last night), 2364 hits, 12 favorites, 30 alerts (+1)
So, yeah, I am rather disappointed with the reviews at the moment but I will just have to see what happens tomorrow (maybe I'll get the chance to throw a spaz at my readers for not reviewing-I-amazingly-got 16 reviews for the 5 chapter so I dont know what happened with this one)
As for my user stats, here they are:
Favorite of 13 members, alerts of 8 members, submitted 459 signed reviews, archived 63, 721 words and there are now 1062 hits on my profile page ^^ (YAY!)
So that's basically everything that I have been doing this weekend/the two days that I was off school and partly dead.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I think its quite sweet :P
And for the rest of this post I will talk about my new obsession with music...and not just any music:
Tank, Farenheit, Danson Tang, Jay Chou, etc.
There is no possible way that you could scare me Sheryl, I love it! And yes, the remix is very, very catchy!!!!
I have submitted 430 signed reviews on my account and there has been 1042 hits on my profile page ^^ (I guess the really like to pull their guns out and take shots at my profile :P) If I favourite 7 more stories then I will have favourited 200 stories, exactly
I am currently in the process of rewriting the first 2 chapters of New Hope/Shattered Sanctuary and hopefully I will have them done by tomorrow so that I can put them up with my next chapter. It's rather darker now than the humorous start that it got off to the first time around, here's a little taste of the very, very start:
A lone horn sounded from the dark forest, it cried out in the silence for a moment before it was cut off sharply, the scout pole axed from his horse. The watch on the walls at New Hope quickly signaled the alarm, Scanran raiders had surrounded the camp.
The commander of the camp watched from the main wall as her troops ran to raise the gates and man the battlements. It had been a month since the last attack on her camp and she had foolishly thought that they would be safe.
A flash of mail in the corner of her vision distracted her for a moment, thoughts of her friends flooding her mind. Neal had been among the first to fall, his magic of no use against a Scanran’s lance. His father had wept over his son’s body until an arrow bloomed from his back, another one to his temple following in quick succession. Kel had frozen in shock beside the bodies, endangering herself, until someone had grabbed her by the waist and dragged her down to sit against the wall.
She felt numb, apart from everything that was happening around her. She sat, motionless, as the Scanran’s flooded from the forest like oil across water. The walls were quickly overrun and the clang of sword fighting began to invade Kel’s thoughts. She stayed detached from her surroundings until someone fell down in front of her, blood pooling before her from a wound in the man’s side. Her heart shuddered as she realized that Dom was the man before her, clad in the mail of the Own and clinging to a bow that had fallen with him. He was with his uncle and cousin now, in the realms of the dead.
Kel turned her eyes from Dom to see a raider stood over her, broadsword grasped in a two handed grip. This would be her end as well.Yeah, so it is a lot darker than the first write, but dont worry, there will still be quite a bit of humour in it xD
And something else that I must add in here, the baseball scene sounds kick-ass! (lolololol)
"Catherine Hardwicke, who's directing the scene for her adaptation of Stephenie Meyer's bestselling young-adult novel "Twilight," is excited about the sequence in which balls are hit with the force of cannon blasts and gravity-defying catches are the norm -- and about one gag in particular. In it, two players "are in competition to catch the same ball and have a huge, crazy midair collision 20 feet up in the air when a huge crash of thunder resounds," making it appear as though their clash created the resounding boom. One of them also "totally climbs up a tree crazy-style and catches a ball midair -- like way at the top of the tree. It's a really fun stunt.""
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Sa-turd-ay, again!
Okay, just to set the scene, I am sat at my computer, reading fan fics (multi-tasking!) and listening to Danson Tang (Ai Wo) So far I have listened to the whole album 3 times ^^
So...what happened today...lets go back to when I woke up...
Because I had RDA (Riding for the Disabled) today I had to get up extra early (for me at least) meaning 6 o'clock. When I woke up I found it funny that my alarm clock wasn't going but I usually sleep right through it anyway so I got up and turned my alarm clock off. After I had eaten my breakfast and found my RDA 'uniform' (yellow shirt which says 'Riding for the disabled' on the back-and it doesn't say that I'm a volunteer, not a rider!) I looked at the clock and saw that it was 10 to 7 (I have to be out of the house for 7) so I went to wake my dad up.
When he woke up, he took one look at the clock and said 'you do know that it's 10 to 6'....dammit. It turns out that I woke up a whole hour early and I have no idea why (I didn't go to sleep until sometime around midnight last night) So I got out Pride and Prejudice and sat on the couch reading until 10 to 7 (I read 6 chapters)
When I got to RDA it was FREEZING COLD!!! There was rain all over the fences and the horses were very, very tired. I signed in, found my badge (its very distinguishable because it is the one that looks like the horse is bleeding because the ink has run-I was out in the rain a lot last year) and went outside to see what I could do.
I brushed Bunny and picked her hooves out but I didn't saddle her because I'm not very well...practised at that (I'm very good at taking saddles off though) I then said hello to most of the horses there and met Chiko who is a new skewbald (chestnut coat with white splodges on her back and sides) shetland pony-and he is actually nice! (*gasp* shock horror)
I sidewalked in the first lesson for Lace and led Star in the second lesson (where she bit me on the knuckles-but luckily it was only a light nip and I only have a few red marks) I took a rest in the third lesson and cleaned out all of the water buckets and put the hay back into the tubs.
I led Bunny the fourth lesson and I had a very nice rider who loved to talk (which was very, very good because I usually find that I don't know what to say) Then came lunch which was fun to say the least (one guy, lets call him Emmett, crushed five cans, broke a window and stuffed a squeaky toy down his pants all in half an hour)
I sidewalked for....a horse that I cant remember in the fifth lesson and my arm really ached after that lesson because I had to hold the riders leg for the whole lesson. Then, in the sixth lesson, I ended up sidewalking with Steele and I ended up on his left side and he hates having sidewalkers on his left side so he kept trying to kick me.
Just for the fun of it, here's a list of the horses and the problems that they have:
Star: She bites when you do her girth up and she bites when you trot.
Steele: He kicks at anyone on his left side and has 'little man syndrome' because he's a shetland.
Jenny: Hates having sidewalkers, needs blinkers and likes to nibble on jumpers (and anything else thats on your person)
Shilo: SLOW!!! He refuses to go and hates having people infront of him.
Tara: Slow, slow, slow. She also has a mean attitude and will try to bite you.
Holly: Bites when you brush her, saddle her, do her girth up...she just bites. She also doesn't know the meaning of 'STOP' or 'WOAH!', but other than that she's a beautiful horse.
Cascade: He has 'big man syndrome', he likes to make a mess with his food-a BIG mess-and he hates Harry so you can't put the two naywhere near each other, has random mood wings. (My friend and I nicknamed him Jasper)
Chiko: Impatient and very vocal
Lace: She bites when you do the girth up and I think she has something against me.
Bunny: Can be slow and tempermental, can bite, can kick, has random mood swings, etc.
So everyone has a problem! Hurray T.T
Well, when I got back from RDA, mum dragged me out to Video Ezy and I found Howl's Moving Castle so now I own the non-pirated DVD, MINE ALL MINE!!! I also got raspberry fanta which probably explains why I'm hypo at the moment.
I guess that explains my day so far, boy do I love Sa-turd-ay's...Sunday is going to be a...cow....
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Maybe I should try talking about something other than fan girl stuff...such mind is blank.
Today is...(checks calender)...Sa-turd-ay and I didn't have RDA this morning so I accidentally slept in and I haven't done any of my homework yet and I've spent all of today on the internet mind is blank again.
Anyway.......I shall be back when I can think of something else to say....
Ashley Greene-I love her! What is wrong with everyone, of course she is beautiful and she suits Alice (lets see anyone who flames about her do better!)

Robert Pattinson-Okay, maybe he isnt a Greek God but has anyone seen one of those around lately? The image that Stephenie has created for Rob to fill is pretty much impossible (although he is doing the best that he can to) Yes, his hair may look a little weird but doesn't Daniel Radcliffe's?

Yes, that is Daniel Radcliffe and his...mustache?
And who can forget the....mullet like being on his head in the movies
So...why does everyone like Daniel so much? If he can have hair like that and still be considered 'on of the hottest guys in the universe' (not my own words) whats so wrong with Rob's hair? And some people say that it isn't just his hair, its his face as well. If anyone wants to say that he is the worst possible choice for Edward and that he is 'hell ugly' I think that they should attatch a picture of themselves and see how they compare.
Kristen Stewart-She is beautiful. And to tell the truth, I didnt really like the A Series of Unfortunate Events anyway so I think that there is no better actor. I dont see how anyone can critisise her, I shall say again, you can only really say that someone is ugly if your prettier than them yourself and even then it whats on the inside that matters more.
I think that I'm done with this rant now and I will probably regret later anyway (when the movie comes out and I am proven wrong but then I will let everyone laugh at me). Hm....I cant remember what else I was going to say....
Except from Catherine Hardwicke is awesome and Stephenie Meyer all but rules the universe ^^
This is something else that I found from a google search:
I feel good today, I got the longest review that I've ever had on The Road Not Taken and it was from one of my fav authors too. Nollie Marie update her story and it was brilliant (fluffy but brilliant) and she updated her blog (sadly there was a fire at her uni) Kaleb Nation updated his blog too and he had a great idea about hiding in some bushes and ambushing Stephenie Meyer at an airport (I think he should go for it ^^ lol)
I checked on one of my other fanfiction accounts and there were quite a few reviews that made me go YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!! Such as:
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AMAZING STOURY!!! AMAZING WRITER!!!EPILOGUE AND FLUFF!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ha Ha!!! Love your story. you are such a great writer.
Oh and yes i would like you to write and epilogue!!!!
I love the story and you are such a great writer. Please write and epilogue.
Yes! Epilogue! Fluff! Yes!
*takes deep breath* well that was a workout!
I'd just like to say how much I enjoyed this story and how good you are at writing it! Continue writing, if not always on this site!
Aaaah, Beetle Juice, Beetle Juice, what can I say? Great job! I will say, you are the best writer still on FanFiction. you get the idea ^^
So I have been reading ff's this week and I plan to write the next chapter of SS tonight (which shall include a hungover-Dom and the refugees) I have also been writing something Twilight based in my old school file so when I was looking for stuff to study for my science test I ended up reading the story instead.
I am also trying to convert my mum to Twilight-ism...lets see how I go ^^
And expect more updates soon MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
I Lolz

Which Twilight novel character are you?

You're Jasper Hale - You have a calming personality and a simplistic way of looking at life. People like to be around you because you can help keep peace and are friendly to everyone. Although you do have a quiet side, you would be well balanced with a bubbly, spunky mate.
Take this quiz!

*Pulls self up from floor* In the words of Mr Bui "OH MY GOD!!!"
And here is another one (no I didn't photoshop it) I found this in my random internet search of 'Edward Cullen'
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Kah, Another One
Yeah, I'm creative at finding ways to procrastinate with homework!
I have 16% MORE wattage than the average person
I could light up 3 light bulbs
I could power 72 iPods
I could power 1 Xbox 360
3 of me would be needed to keep a refrigerator running
289 WATTS Body Battery Calculator - Find Out How Much Electricity Your Body is Producing -
My Drug
77%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?
I blame Mr Hanna and edwardcullen_lvr
And Another One
*Assumes funny martial arts pose* BRING IT ON YOU LITTLE THREE YEAR OLDS!!!!! *swarm of three year olds appears**runs in the opposite direction*
Justsayhi Stuff
The Cadaver Calculator - Find out How Much your Body is WorthSo you've bitten the big one and instead of pushing up daisies your loved ones decided it would be best to sell your body to science. This survey will tell you approximately how much money they'd get for it. Cadaver values are primarily based on overall health and the level of interest your corpse holds to the medical research industry.
$5650.00The Cadaver Calculator - Find out how much your body is worth.
Look What Boredom In The Holidays Causes
The pranker was edwardcullen_lvr (and no I will not stop calling you that) and I will add more details about it later (it was in my cbox though and the post that is...two spaces below this is realted to it) All I want to say at the moment is I am going to kill you!!! And I mean kill you dead!!!!!
My revenge shall be sweet.....
Friday, April 25, 2008
Just To Clear The Confusion
I think that Edward is perfect for Bella and they should never be apart ever, ever again (and I mean never again) I should go on a rant about that too ^^
Just to clear that one up, and hi to edwardcullen_lver-thanks for bringing that slip to my attention!
I Am A Heartless Killer
My other ones were actually rather....disgusting....I used my profile to get this!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Please Tell Me That Isn't A Vanquish...

Yes, that is an Aston Martin being pulled out of a lake in Italy, and no it wasn't put there on purpose. Here is what the offical report said (from
ROME - The car being used in the latest James Bond film plunged into a lake in northern Italy while being driven to the set.
Producers say the driver of the Aston Martin was taken to a hospital with minor injuries. They say James Bond's iconic car was being delivered to the filming unit in heavy rain on Saturday morning when it went off the road and plunged into Lake Garda.
And here's what it looked like when they got it out:
Personally, I think that it may have had something to do with a certain pack of werewolves and a certain family of vampires, ^^....or maybe the Volturi were involved, it did happen in Italy.....
And they really haven't been lucky with this movie, there has been 3 accidents now and one of the stunt drivers is actually in a coma after being in a (seperate) car accident...I think it was hit by a lorry if memory serves correct.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Cute....I Think Not
Hmmm....the comment for this one was:
'hahah she is picking food out of his teeth! adorable. =) '
.....Adorable....I think not.... It looks like he's eating her finger!
New Picture

And I love this bit:
Rob's Lullaby,
MTV reports that Rob Pattinson ( should know that by now) is composing a song that may be used as Edward's lullaby for Bella in the movie. He's apparently a very talented musician and though the Twilight director, the fabulous Ms. Hardwicke, can't confirm that Rob's song will absolutely be the final choice for the lullaby, Kristen Stewart seems fairly convinced.
Lol. I am doing a very good job at pro-crastinating
Lol Blog
This is a good blog, the 1st image is the one that I like, it's a classic!
Even Full-er List
1 Taylor Lautner
2 Ellen Page
3 Kristen Stewart
4 Kristen Bell
5 Robert Pattinson
6 Michael Welch
7 Cam Cigandet
8 Billy Burke
9 Jackson Rathbone
10 Peter Facinelli
Then there is the list of top actors which takes basically the same format:
1 Taylor Lautner (notice that he is at the top, above Rob)
2 Robert Pattinson
3 Michael Welch
4 Cam Gigandet
5 Billy Burke
And then there is the list of top actresses:
1 Ellen Page
2 Kristen Stewart
3 Kristen Bell
4 Sarah Michelle Gellar
5 Nikki Reed
Funny, funny stuff ^^ But I think thats enough lists for today.
Full List
STARmeter Top 5 week of 18 April 2008
1 Taylor Lautner
2 Ellen Page
3 Kristen Stewart
4 Kristen Bell
5 Robert Pattinson
Lolz, this is what you get when I'm bored and pro-crastinating
This is from
The Internet Movie Database is not just a useful tool to answer questions like “who was in that movie” or “what else did that guy direct”. IMDb also keeps track of a variety of analytics. For example: movie, actor and crew member searches. Who is the biggest star in Hollywood this minute?Tom Cruise? Nope.
Kristen Bell? Nope…
Taylor Lautner .....

BWAHAHAHA!!!!! We are taking over the world....okay, it's only a sugar high ^^
And I also found this when I went to search his page:
My Age
Your Age on Other Planets
In ... You would be ... years old.
Mercury years 62.29
Venus years 24.39
Mars years 7.98
Jupiter years 1.26
Saturn years 0.51
Uranus years 0.178
Neptune years 0.091
Pluto years 0.061
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Holidays So Far
I had to go play golf with a primary school friend (I absolutely hate, loath and despise golf) and I have so far avoided going over to her new house (hopefully she will forget about that)
My sister is now trying to kill me because I stepped on one of her silly little, 'littlest pet shop' creatures (it was a frog in case anyone is interested) and broke its head was the frogs fault and my sisters for leaving it scattered across the floor (our house now resembles a mine field)
On Saturday I went to RDA, suprisingly it wasn't raining and I did have fun (although it was hard work) I used a rake for the first time (around horses) and we found a way to load a wheelbarrow with straw (leftover straw with poo in it) without touching it.
I was pretty sure that I was going to be killed at RDA but the most exciting (and dangerous) thing that happened was Tara got too close to Harry's rump and he freaked out and jumped and smacked me against Tara (I was the sidewalker who got trapped inbetween them) I almost got kicked but I managed to jump out of the way in time.
I watched the Spiderwick Chronicles on Sunday and I cracked up when they were talking about sprites and trolls (you would only understand that if you've read the same book that I have) When I got home I mortally injured myself though. I was riding my sisters stupid little scooter and because my feet are so big I stepped on the back brake and went flying over the handle bars. I only killed my knee (not my head luckily) but it isn't pretty.
On another topic, I have passed a few milestones with my account, I have now submitted over 300 reviews (308 to be exact) and posted up over 65, 000 words. My profile page is very near 1000 hits (yay) and my TP story is almost up to 2,000 hits (with 53 reviews at the moment) But alas, I have procrastinated on my sose enough, I must get stuck into it and hopefully have it done before midnight friday-wish me luck! Gah
So, my holidays haven't really been that interesting-as such-how about everyone elses?
That's about all in my update, except for the fact that I haven't really done anything that I mean't to do-it always turns out that way!
Next time on my blog, a rant on the finer points of hating one Edward Cullen (I wont revert to using some of the names for him that I have seen other Eddie haters using-though they do involve wonderful words such as Ed-*^&# and E-&^*&
Saturday, April 12, 2008
An Epic Adventure - Pizza in the Park
We walked across to Livingstone (Livingstoned) to give Avi the grand tour (which isn't much really) and then we went looking for food to eat later in the evening. We decided that the Makro would be cheaper but we only had ten minutes to get there before it closed. We crossed one road without incident but then when we went to cross the second road (the one that I have to cross every day) Georgia ran across infront of a car and almost got hit by an Asian driver (I'm definitely not racist but there is a danger that comes with running out infront of their cars)
No, Georgia didn't die.
So we made it to the Makro in time and got Dorito's, dip and Starbursts (what a combination ^^) and then made our way back to Leigha's house. We did stayed there for a while (until it went dark) and then we walked down to Video Ezy to get some movies out. We were crossing yet another road when Georgia ran out infront of an RAC car.
No, Georgia didn't die.
We got Barbie: The Princess and the Pauper and Knocked Up (I didn't pick either of those movies btw) and there was $18 dollars worth of late fees on Leigha's card that had to paid.
We went to Eagle Boy's then to get some pizza (and no, Georgia did not get run over this time) We met Leisha there and I saw a friend of mine called Lexi who I haven't seen for 3 years (sadly she was working so we couldn't talk)
Me, Georgia and Avi headed back to our estate with the pizza's, lift and a bag of garlic bread (by ourselves, in the dark, next to a main road) while Leigha and Leisha went to drop Leisha's stuff off at Leigha's house with Leisha's mum.
They met us at the park later (it was pitch black now) and Georgia, Avi and Leisha sat down to eat the pizza. I didn't. You want to know why? There were 3 men (smoking and obviously high on something) just a little way away from us, stood next to their car.
Leigha and I stayed standing while we ate and we managed to convince the others to stand up to. The 3 men walked towards us at one point (in a line) and we started laughing and talking really loud and walked back to their car.
When we finished our pizza we picked up our stuff and started walking towards Leigha's house (we had to walk past the men to get there) Everyone but Georgia agreed to stay in a group and ignore the men. But Georgia just had to go right over to them (within 3 metres of their car) to put the pizza box in the bin (she just had to pick the bin that was right next to them) Everyone had to follow her and the men got out of their car and started walking forwards. One said 'hello' and Georgia said 'hi' (T.T) I just kept muttering don't look at them, stay together, keep walking.
When the rest of us ignored them, the men turned back to their car and we got back to Leigha's in relative safety. We were lucky.
Lesson 1) Never eat pizza in a park at night with 3 strange men watching you
Lesson 2) Never take Georgia for a walk in the dark for she is a traffic hazard
So that was the Epic Adventure of the Pizza in the Park.
Next up: Probably something to do with or Harbour
An Epic Adventure - Crazed Fab Ficers Invade Harbour Town
An Epic Adventure - Sport, Water Fights and the Shower of Evilness
I got my english assignments done by the skin of my teeth (I was still working on the mind map in class and I had to do some of it during science otherwise I never would have got it done) and did nothing for the rest of the day.....except from have a massive water fight in sport ^^
We played dodgeball first and then we played basketball for the rest of the session (and my team won the game that we played)
In the break that we got, me, Eileen and Leisha went in the changerooms for a drink. I think I told a joke or something and Eileen choked on the water that she was drinking and almost spat it out. Then we got into a huge water fight and I still can't figure out how it happened.
We were throwing water around from the drink fountain and Leisha ran into a shower cubicle so we couldn't get her but I went in the one next to her and stood on the bench and threw the water over the top.
Leisha came out then and got Eileen into a shower cubicle and turned the shower on (Eileen got soaked) and then I told her that it was actually me (I was still relatively dry at the time) who threw water over the top. I managed to avoid getting wet (even though they did try to push me into the shower) but when I went to get changed so that I could catch my bus they threw water over the top of the shower cubicle and got me. (Eileen got pushed into a shower cubicle for a second time after that)
Then when we were walking across the basketball courts Eileen and Leisha pulled their water bottles out at the same time and poured them all over my head. My back and collar got soaked and I was still wet when I got home.
So that is what goes on in our sport class,
Up next: An Epic Adventure - Pizzas in the Park
An Epic Adventure - The Bus of Doom
On Thursday, not only did the bus driver arrive 15 minutes late, he brought a single bus with him (half the size of the normal one that we need to fit everyone on)
Normal bus:

The bus that we got:

So everyone got squished getting one but luckily no one died and no one got left behind (but one guy did fall over and three people had to pull him up because everyone was pushing so much he couldn't get up by himself)
After that you would think that a simple bus ride would be a peice of cake right......think again.
The bus driver had no clue where he was going!!!!!! He missed my stop and the stop after it and the came back in a huge loop and got even more lost.....I'll try and find a picture to show you.....
Here we go, green=usual route, red=Friday (sorry about the size/quality, it's the best that I could find and I did smudge the names and stuff out)

Yep, so you can see that he went the complete and utter wrong way and I ended up getting off in my estate so I guess that it was actually better for me ^^
Anyway, that was my Epic Adventure with the BUS OF DOOOOOM!!!!!!
Stick around, there are more adventures to come: Next up, An Epic Adventure - Sport, Water Fights and the Shower of.....Evilness!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
My Personal Monster
So here it is-no COPYING YOU LOT!!!!!
By Jess
I ran.
My stomach churned as my feet hit the wet pavement. I could sense that it was behind me, though, I could not tell how close it was. I could definitely feel it though, watching….waiting. Waiting for its moment of opportunity.
I lost my footing and stumbled as I glanced backwards over my shoulder. There was no time left now, it was here.
It was a strange creature; strange to a degree that I had never bore witness to before. It had no eyes and yet it could see. It had no feet, but still it could move. There was no mouth on its face, but it could smile. There were no teeth in its mouth, but it could still bite. Never did it inhale, but it could exhale. Never would it talk, but it could growl. Never could it live…and yet, it followed me.
The rain poured down in sheets around me, coursing down my rain jacket and soaking into my runners. My hair whipped into my face, slapping against my cheek as I tried to force may way forwards in the strong head wind. I could not see past my nose for the force of it.
I jumped as the loud ‘crack’ of thunder threw itself through my bones. A moment later, a bolt of lightning struck the ground on the horizon. I heard somebody scream as I ran past an unlit house, their power must have gone out. That reminded me of what had caused this entire mess. This morning I had been in my kitchen making coffee, minding my own business. I was about to turn the kettle on when the lights switched off. ‘It’s just a power cut,’ I thought as I took a deep breath and set my empty mug down on the bench. ‘There’s nothing to worry about, just a power cut.’ I had been terribly afraid of the dark since my older brother locked me in the linen closet when I was five. The fact that I was alone in the house made my fear even worse. I could not rid myself of the uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach until I glanced up at the clock and swore. I was late, terribly late. If I was any later it would be there
I was yanked out of my thoughts when I slipped on the wet curb and fell out into the road. I was afraid that I was about to be run over, but the car that was now behind me stopped abruptly and beeped its horn at me. Quickly, I jumped back onto the pavement and the car shot past me. From the corner of my eye I could see the grey monster edging closer.
I wondered if I would get to my sanctuary in time, my vision was still impaired by the pelting rain and wind. I was about to give up and resign myself to my fate when the rain cleared momentarily. I blinked, and suddenly I could see my sanctuary before me. If only I could get there in time, then I would be safe.
My legs began to cramp as I ran faster, the wet denim of my jeans that clung to my legs did not help at all. I was a few metres away, just a few measly steps, when I heard a growl and a splash behind me. The monster had pulled ahead of me. I panicked as its fetid breath blew back into my face, but it didn’t move.
I hurried forwards as another flash of lightning lit the sky and bounced back off the monster’s silvery skin, the reflections intensity near blinded me. I was right beside it when I paused, one of my feet lifted slightly from the pavement. I was afraid that the monster may decide to growl at me and pull away. I was afraid that when it left, it would leave me lying crushed in the gutter, like a used paper cup.
It considered me for a moment, its bright eyes like headlights in the darkness. I was still sure that it would leave when it sighed and leant to the side, as if it were inviting me towards it. Cautiously I stepped up to it and its warm embrace.
The lights were bright in the monsters interior and the driver looked bored, as if he would rather be anywhere other than where he was at that moment. The windows in the monster were so fogged up that I couldn’t see anything through them unless I looked through a patch that someone else had already cleared. It took me a while, but I eventually found my smartrider and tagged on before I sat down in my usual seat. All of the other passengers looked just as bedraggled as I was.
Maybe everyone had been late for the bus today.
So there it is.....hope that was interesting ^^ Want to comment? Just comment xD I'm going to get a cbox really, really soon! Pwomise.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
We all do it (even John Howard and Kevin Rudd)and when we try to stop doing it we find that we are addicted....almost like a drug.
I am on the procrastiantion drug....maybe I need nicotine or something. But it is an addiction that I am proud of (and which usually gets me in a lot of trouble)
Here is an example of my dedication to the procrastination drug:
I have two english projects due tomorrow (a short story and a mind map) and I haven't started on is a DRUG!!!!
I did actually finish my science on time but I have forgotten to fix the formatting on one of the articles so Mr V is probably going to take my head off with a scalpel....*ducks and covers neck* I value my head!
My other addiction (or drug) would have to be fanfiction....without it I might just die ^^
I really want to read tonight but I obviously can't because of my first drug....maybe I need some more nicotine....
I have found a few ff's that are pretty good (they are Twilight ones so RUN AWAY!) and I will be going quite over the top in the holidays (i plan to review a lot of fics so if you have something that you want me to review....SEND THE LINK TO ME!!!!)
I should probably go now but I am really bored and we're doing nothing in sose but procrastinating (there's my first drug) and checking our accounts (second drug!) i seriously need to go cold turkey or something.....
Remus Lupin signing off,
Sunday, April 6, 2008
New Blog
I deleted my old blog (I think it be the cows sir) and have started this one (as my social blog) instead. This should be a lot more interesting than the old blog because I am going to update it xD
So, keep your eyes open and I think I might stick with the basic formatting because its easier for my none HTML brain to figure out :P
-Remus Lupin, a.k.a JB, a.k.a xXBeetle Of DestinyXx, a.k.a Beetle juice, a.k.a Jess-