On Thursday, not only did the bus driver arrive 15 minutes late, he brought a single bus with him (half the size of the normal one that we need to fit everyone on)
Normal bus:

The bus that we got:

So everyone got squished getting one but luckily no one died and no one got left behind (but one guy did fall over and three people had to pull him up because everyone was pushing so much he couldn't get up by himself)
After that you would think that a simple bus ride would be a peice of cake right......think again.
The bus driver had no clue where he was going!!!!!! He missed my stop and the stop after it and the came back in a huge loop and got even more lost.....I'll try and find a picture to show you.....
Here we go, green=usual route, red=Friday (sorry about the size/quality, it's the best that I could find and I did smudge the names and stuff out)

Yep, so you can see that he went the complete and utter wrong way and I ended up getting off in my estate so I guess that it was actually better for me ^^
Anyway, that was my Epic Adventure with the BUS OF DOOOOOM!!!!!!
Stick around, there are more adventures to come: Next up, An Epic Adventure - Sport, Water Fights and the Shower of.....Evilness!
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