Yes, that is an Aston Martin being pulled out of a lake in Italy, and no it wasn't put there on purpose. Here is what the offical report said (from http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24226143/):
ROME - The car being used in the latest James Bond film plunged into a lake in northern Italy while being driven to the set.
Producers say the driver of the Aston Martin was taken to a hospital with minor injuries. They say James Bond's iconic car was being delivered to the filming unit in heavy rain on Saturday morning when it went off the road and plunged into Lake Garda.
And here's what it looked like when they got it out:
Personally, I think that it may have had something to do with a certain pack of werewolves and a certain family of vampires, ^^....or maybe the Volturi were involved, it did happen in Italy.....
And they really haven't been lucky with this movie, there has been 3 accidents now and one of the stunt drivers is actually in a coma after being in a (seperate) car accident...I think it was hit by a lorry if memory serves correct.
OMC!!!! NOOOO!! What are they doing to the poor Vanquish?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? T_T
Serves them right - that's what you get for tampering with cars (I'm talking about unluckiness)
sparhawk6Lol, who do you reckon their mechanic was....Rose?
Tee hee hee, I'm reading fan fics now, fan fics, fan fics, fan fics, fan fics, fan fics, fan fics, fan fics....yes I am hyper!
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