Ashley Greene-I love her! What is wrong with everyone, of course she is beautiful and she suits Alice (lets see anyone who flames about her do better!)

Robert Pattinson-Okay, maybe he isnt a Greek God but has anyone seen one of those around lately? The image that Stephenie has created for Rob to fill is pretty much impossible (although he is doing the best that he can to) Yes, his hair may look a little weird but doesn't Daniel Radcliffe's?

Yes, that is Daniel Radcliffe and his...mustache?
And who can forget the....mullet like being on his head in the movies
So...why does everyone like Daniel so much? If he can have hair like that and still be considered 'on of the hottest guys in the universe' (not my own words) whats so wrong with Rob's hair? And some people say that it isn't just his hair, its his face as well. If anyone wants to say that he is the worst possible choice for Edward and that he is 'hell ugly' I think that they should attatch a picture of themselves and see how they compare.
Kristen Stewart-She is beautiful. And to tell the truth, I didnt really like the A Series of Unfortunate Events anyway so I think that there is no better actor. I dont see how anyone can critisise her, I shall say again, you can only really say that someone is ugly if your prettier than them yourself and even then it whats on the inside that matters more.
I think that I'm done with this rant now and I will probably regret later anyway (when the movie comes out and I am proven wrong but then I will let everyone laugh at me). Hm....I cant remember what else I was going to say....
Except from Catherine Hardwicke is awesome and Stephenie Meyer all but rules the universe ^^
This is something else that I found from a google search:
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