Sunday, July 13, 2008
Last night I went for a walk down the beach and four dolphins just randomly appeared out in the ocean. When I got to the other side of the jetty I waited for a moment and a dolphin came straight into the water in front of me and was less than a metre away (I literally could have touched it) Everytime I stepped into the water a stingray would appear right under my foot (and that happened 7 times) I think that they like me ^_^
I might go out in a kayak later but the water is looking both choppy and I don't know.
There is still only one computer working and so this place gets the badge of epic fail *hands computer badge of epic fail*
Saturday, July 12, 2008
The Worst Internet in Australia, Red-Eyed Pigeons and Camels
I am in....what is this place?....Monkey Mia now and the weather is nice (I'm right next to the beach-I can see it through the door thats next to me-and the sun is very, very bright) and I've been travelling up the coast for 6 days now (without internet might I add) The computer that I'm typing on at the moment is a pie terminal (no it is not made of pie) and the keyboard is tiny (smaller than a laptops) and the keys are so old that the letters have actually worn off so I would be stuffed if I didn't already know where all of the keys are! I am also proud to say that I have now found a computer with internet that is both slower (way, way slower) and more expensive than my home computer :P
My sister took a ride down the beach on a camel before, I ran and hid behind the jetty because camels are my arch-nemisis. My parents tried to get me on one but they failed, miserably.
Yesterday at the roadhouse that we stopped at to get fuel I saw a large flock of red-eyed pigeons and I immediately thought 'oh no, the Volturi are after me!' Luckily they weren't and I wasn't savaged by vampire pigeons.
The caravan has survived it's trip up-amazingly-but I'm not sure if it will survive on the way back down! My sister gets really annoying when she's bored-although I do too-and she was throwing food at me today-which I promptly threw back. In an attempt to stave off the boredom I have also now read the host a grand total of 4 times-yes, it is a good book-and now I'm hoping that there will be a sequil.
I have hust realised that the browser type that I am using is Mozilla Firefox and I actually like good old Microsoft's Internet Explorer better. I think it's just more practical and you can do just about anything that you want with it-unlike this thing which I cant seem to figure out/use tabs/open another window/refresh the page/make the window smaller/adjust the size of the window at all!
I hope to see some dolphins tomorrow otherwise this holiday will have been my worst one in history. Maybe I'll get to see a dugong too, that would make my day!
...On another note, I HAVEN'T DONE ANY HOMEWORK AT ALL YET/SCIENCE STUDY/MATHS STUDY/ENGLISH/ANYTHING!!!! I am so dead. And someone behind me just ran across the room, tripped on a patch of water and slammed their head into the metal kitchen table, where's the doctor?...
I better go do everything else that I have to do before my internet time runs and out and maybe come back to this later/tomorrow.
-Jess the dead-
P.S There is a large sailing ship on the horizon at the moment and it reminds me distinctly of the Black Pearl, ahoy there!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Jane Austen

And viewed from the back, as you can see it has a lot of books in it!...Oh, oops, don't look at the bottom left corner...I've been messing around on photoshop again ^^
This is to show(off) the gold edged pages and pretty cover.
And this is another plus, THERE ARE PICTURES!!!! And yes, it is quite obvious now what that other book is that is lurking on the edge of the picture-
Keeheehee. I got it yesterday and I have only read 63 pages (it's 617 pages long) and when I went to the till (at Angus and Robertson) the first question that the lady asked me was not '$32.99 please' it was 'I bet you're looking forward to the release of the fourth book' response was automatic of course but I looked up when I walked out of the bookshop (after blushing bright red of course) and I noticed that they had a huge poster up for both Breaking Dawn and The Host. While I was at the counter the lady commented to both me and her co-worker that The Host was selling out. I can't seem to go anywhere without overhearing a conversation about Twilight.